
Secret Insurance Saving Tips For New Drivers

2 Mins read

You might think as a new driver that your are at the mercy of the system. That is partially correct. The sad fact is that insurance for anybody who has no claim-free history is likely to be high. There are some things you can do to bring the premium down if you are wise. Some of them  come at a cost, but you are certain to save any investment you make in the long run.

If you have just passed your driving test, here are some secret insurance saving tips  that could help you to get on the road in no time.

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Michael Button

Use Comparison Sites

Get some quotes from comparison sites. Use a false name and a spare email address so that they will not affect the quotes when you apply later. Anything you do on the internet leaves digital traces that companies will exploit to get as much money from you as they can. When you have the quotes, empty the cache and delete the cookies from your computer. They are put there so that the company can identify you when you return.

Install Security

Install an immobiliser and tracking system on your car. Even if thieves tow it away, the tracker will tell the police where to find it, and the insurance company will lower the premium because of it. The experts at think that a quality security system will be a top selling point when you are ready to move onto a better vehicle later on.

Better Parking Arrangements Overnight

If your initial quotes were for a vehicle parked overnight on the road, find a driveway or garage where you can leave it instead. Council garages are cheap to rent, or you may have a neighbour who is happy to come to the rescue.

The Vehicle

The choice of vehicle will have a huge effect on the cost of insurance. Change it for an old or less powerful model if you have to. The engine size and performance affect the way an irresponsible driver can use the vehicle.

Add Another Driver To The Policy

It sounds wrong doesn’t it? But if you were to add one of your parents to the policy it could lower the price significantly. They reckon that some of the time the car will be in the hands of an experienced driver, so the risk is less than if it was always under the control of a novice.

Check Again

When you have made all of the changes that you can, visit the comparison sites once more. Give them your genuine details and see what they offer. You will be pleasantly surprised because your efforts will reduce the premium significantly.

As a final measure, pay a premium in one instalment. You will be penalised heavily if you opt for monthly payments. They add interest and handling charges onto the payments, so the higher the premium, the more you pay in charges.

Be wise and think logically; you can save money on insurance, even if you are a new driver.

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