
How To Get The Best Insurance Quote Based On The Type Of Driver You Are

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Car insurance quotes can be a real minefield. Every customer wants the best possible price for their car insurance. But it can be difficult to know when you are getting a good deal. Or if there are some hidden terms and conditions. The reason we question it so much is because the prices can vary dramatically. There are a couple of things that you can do as an individual to make sure that you are getting the best quote for you. It is always recommended to buy use comparisons sites and visit insurance sites separately as well. The more information you have, the more informed you are of the best possible prices.

First-time driver

If you are a first-time driver, then the chances are your quote will be high. This is where you, as an individual, can do a few things to help reduce the cost. First of all, once you have passed your test, you can take additional driving tests to show your capability on the road. This could be for high-speed motorways and links. Having these certificates can help when it comes to obtaining your insurance.

Another thing you can do is be sensible in your choice of car. The more prestige choice you make, the more expensive the insurance will be. The higher the engine size and brake horsepower is, the higher your insurance premium will become. It’s so easy to be distracted by all the nice cars available. But if you can make a sensible choice, even just for a year, then you will reap the rewards in the cost. Cars like Ford Fiesta’s or a Toyota Yaris will always be a favourable first-time car.

Some insurances offer a chance to add something to the car where it will assess your driving. It doesn’t affect the car itself, but it can prove to an insurance company that you have faith in your driving ability. This could mean a reduction in price. It’s also worth remembering that it tends to be the first year that is hardest. Once you have a track record, then you should see your insurance premium reduce year on year.

The Executive car owner

A purchase of an executive car could mean a higher price in insurance. This could be for many reasons, but mainly it is a more desirable car. This can appeal to car thieves. Alternatively, a more prestige vehicle can be a more expensive car to repair, should you ever need to make a claim. When purchasing a new car, it’s advisable to remember the safety checks. BMW and Audi all have excellent ratings. Crumple zones and safety features are paramount for an insurer to assess the potential damage. A dealer like spire automotive will be best placed to advise you of these.

It’s advisable to shop around and look at forums where people will have recommendations. Consider an insurance company that specialise in the more prestige market could be a favourable option. Meaning they are more likely to be realistic with their insurance premium.

The sports driver wannabe

If buying a sports car is a dream, then you will also be wanting to make sure that you can insure it affordably. It would be a good idea to follow the advice as if you were a first-time driver.

Offering any additional qualifications in your driving ability for one would be a great place to start. You could also offer to have things like a speed restrictor placed on the car, or a box to assess your driving. This means that the insurance company have more faith in your driving and that an accident is less likely to be caused by yourself.

There are also specialist supercar insurance companies that would be able to offer a premium. Do your research and seek out recommendations. You may also find that adding a driver to the insurance may help bring the price down. Someone who has a no claims discount for example. This can’t be someone random, and it’s advisable only to insure someone who can and would drive the vehicle themselves.

The lady driver

I’m not entirely sure whether lady drivers get penalised for car insurance anymore. There are strict EU guidelines when it comes to insurance that bans a company using their gender against them when it comes to quotes. But there are specific “women only” car insurance companies who offer excellent premiums. These are always worth looking at. While an argument will never be settled as to who the better driver is, a woman or man? It’s worth taking advantage of these insurance companies.

Volunteering a higher excess can also help reduce the insurance costs. This is voluntary, so it shows a company that you have faith in your driving ability. Accidents do happen, and if you are not at fault, an excess is normally retrieved from the other party’s insurance company. So there is nothing to lose but everything to gain.

There are also many general tips to take into consideration to obtain a better insurance quote:

Fit alarms to your car – This shows that your car has an added security system.

Park the car off the road, on a driveway or in a garage – This enables you to have better security when it comes to your car. Meaning no unexpected accidents can happen.

Do fewer miles – By informing the insurance company of fewer miles, your vehicle is less at risk. Of course, be realistic, as there is no point in lying or deceiving a company. This could result in a calm not being paid. Just give an honest account of your mileage, don’t overestimate.

Be as honest as possible – At the end of the day, you are insuring your vehicle to cover you for every eventuality. So don’t give them any reason not to pay out a claim. If you have points on your license, declare them. If you have someone else who needs to drive the car, add them to the policy.

I hope these tips help you reduce your insurance premiums.


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