Whether you own seasonal vehicles or have arranged to borrow someone elses car for a few days, obtaining short term car insurance can sometimes seem rather daunting. Although your usual insurance company will probably be able to offer this service, it’s always best to shop around to find the best deals. Sometimes drivers find that companies they’ve never used before provide the cheapest quotes, and although this is likely to be a tactic they use to entice you, there’s no reason not to take full advantage.
This guide will fill you in on everything you need to know about obtaining short term car insurance for whatever purpose.
Call Your Own Insurance Company First
Although you will usually find their quote to be considerably higher than companies that you don’t already have a contract with, it’s still advisable to give them a call. You never know, sometimes insurers run seasonal deals on services like this, so you might just grab a bargain or even obtain it for free.
Find Other Suitable Insurance Companies
Now you’ve been given a quote from your own insurer, try to call some other reputable firms. You should avoid using the internet as this will only give you standard quotes, whereas if you speak to customer service representatives on the telephone, they are much more likely to lower their price based on other quotes you’ve already received. At the moment, the leading provider is Premium Cars Direct, so you should definitely consider getting in touch with them.
As they say,“a little leverage never hurt anyone”.
Compare All Quotes
As previously stated, try to avoid using the internet to obtain quotes and also try to avoid price comparison websites. Although these services can be very useful, if you want to get the cheapest quotes possible, you need to speak to real people. Most insurance companies would prefer to have your custom, even if it means them making a loss. So if you’ve somehow managed to get a quote for 3 days car insurance for £20, make sure you tell them straight away, as they will most likely try to beat it.
Make The Purchase
Once you are completely satisfied that you’ve obtained the cheapest quote currently available, it’s time to make the purchase, and here is where the internet can be very useful. Insurers should give you a reference number with each quote, so presuming this has occurred, get online and go to their website to buy the policy. You’ll want to use the internet for this because often insurance companies will allow you to download the documents and print them off straight away, which obviously means you don’t have to wait for the postman.
So there you have it. A quick and simple guide to obtaining short term car insurance. Although it can seem like hard work, it really isn’t, and you should be able to find something to suit your needs in as little as an hour. So don’t stress.
Good luck my friends.